Hometown: West Point, NY
PSU Connection: Employee
School: Penn State College of Medicine
Department: Penn State Sports Medicine
Position: Orthopedic Surgeon
Memorable moment in your Penn State career:

Active Duty or Veteran: Veteran
Branch: Army
Rank: COL
Rate/MOS: Armor, Medical Corps
Where/when did you serve: West Point, 1990-1994, 1999-2001, 2011-2012, Afghanistan 2013-214, Middle East 2019, Korea 1995-1998, Fort Campbell, 2012-2014, Fort Bliss, 2006-2011, Fort Knox, 1994, 1998
Awards: Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, AMEDD “A” Proficiency Designator for highest level of professional achievement, Order of Military Medical Merit (O2M3), Afghanistan Campaign Medal, NATO Service Medal, DANCON March Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal (8), Army Achievement Medal (7), Global War on Terrorism – Service & Expeditionary, Meritorious Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Order of the Spur – 72nd Armor Regiment, Manchu Award – 9th Infantry Regiment, Army Service Ribbon, National Defense Service Ribbon (2), Overseas Ribbon (5)
What was your favorite military assignment/duty station and why? I’ve enjoyed each and every assignment throughout my 26 year active duty career.
Matthew Posner, Army, COL (ret), is a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon with specialty certification in sports medicine. Matthew retired from the Army after 26 years of service. Throughout his career, Matthew was assigned to Army posts throughout the country and overseas, where he utilized his advanced orthopedic sports medicine skills in the treatment of military personnel throughout the Department of Defense. He had several deployments to Afghanistan and other parts of the Middle East and Asia in support of various military operations including Operation Enduring Freedom. His last assignment in the Army was at the United States Military Academy, where he served as Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery and was selected as the program director for the Sports Medicine Fellowship at West Point.
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