Family: Craig and Brittany Tryzbiak
Station/Living: Fort Knox, KY
Branch: Army
Rank: Major
PSU Connection: Graduates
We have been living this military life for over 14 years. Craig and I (Brittany) received our commissions from Penn State in 2009. After a few years and one combat deployment for each of us, I left the Army, and he continued to serve. Our children have lived in 4 different states, and we have moved 6 times. Every time we are about to move, I am terrified. I am scared that we won’t find friends, that our home or neighborhood won’t be a good fit, that we won’t find good schools, and that my kids will resent this transient life. Every time I have been amazed that none of these things have happened.
Sure, it hasn’t been easy to leave the comforts of what we know, but the adventure is worth it. I am so proud of our kids for their resilience. They pick their entire lives up and plant new roots wherever we go. They meet constant change with enthusiasm and a sense of hope. I am proud of my husband for his hard work and diligence in service to our country. It isn’t always easy for him to be away for his family, but still he rises to meet whatever task or duty is asked of him. I am proud of myself too. It wasn’t easy for me to transition out of the military and find my way as a military spouse. I have adapted, overcome, and found my new path as a social worker.
When our son talks about his friends who aren’t in military families, he says he feels bad that they don’t get to have the same experiences that we do. I understand what he means. Sometimes, I can’t even imagine what life would be like without it. We have met the most incredible people, both military and civilian alike. We have seen some wonderful sights. We have had opportunities to live and change in different ways. If you ask me in 20 years how I feel about being a military family, I will tell you the same thing I feel now- I am proud and I am forever grateful for everything.
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