Ronald Kocher

Hometown: Egypt, PA PSU Connection: Graduate School: University Park Year: 1987 Memorable moment in your Penn State career: Attending PSU game in Ireland. Active Duty or Veteran: Veteran Branch: Navy Rank: Captain Rate/MOS: 409 Where/when did you serve: 1987-2017...

Thomas H. Henning

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA PSU Connection: Staff School: University Park Department: Dean of Students Position: Counselor/Area Coordinator North Halls Memorable moment in your Penn State career: Too many memorable moments to list here. I was the first member of my...

Gregory Robert Frailey

Hometown: Williamsport, PA PSU Connection: Staff School: Pennsylvania College of Technology Department: Nursing and Health Services Position: Medical Director of PA and Paramedic Programs Memorable moment in your Penn State career: I had many happy hours participating...

Heather Reesor

Hometown: Reading, PA PSU Connection: Staff School: Penn State Hershey Department: Clinical Trials Office Position: Research Compliance Specialist Memorable moment in your Penn State career: I can’t say it’s any one moment, but working in clinical research...

MacArthur Engstrand

Hometown: Olympia Fields, IL PSU Connection: Graduate PSU Graduation Year: 2023 Degree Type: Bachelors Major of Study:  Memorable moment in your Penn State career: My favorite Penn State moment was getting to walk across the stage at graduation and knowing that my dad...

Jesse Neyman

Hometown: Spring Mills, PA PSU Connection: Student PSU Graduation Year: TBD Degree Type: Bachelors Major of Study: Labor and Human Resources Memorable moment in your Penn State career: When I got to help drape the flag across the field on Veterans Day prior to the...